
The Role of sport in society
Pip Hare Pip Hare

The Role of sport in society

What role, if any, does sport have in this brave new world where our priorities are staying healthy, finding food on shop shelves and having enough to pay the bills?

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Taking my own medicine
Pip Hare Pip Hare

Taking my own medicine

Ten days ago, I shared with the Telegraph my experience of dealing with isolation; it was just as most of us were heading into lock down and the world was starting to look very different

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Survival training with the best
Pip Hare Pip Hare

Survival training with the best

Inside the life raft my fellow survivors’ faces are garishly lit up by a flash of lightening. It’s impossible to gauge their expressions or make out who is who in our matching yellow foulies, before it goes back to pitch black.

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Recharging the batteries
Pip Hare Pip Hare

Recharging the batteries

This year I have been living life at a crazy pace; that’s my decision so no complaints but over time the constant pressures and stresses can take a physical and mental toll and every now and again I need the chance to recharge.

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TJV: It's a wrap
Pip Hare Pip Hare

TJV: It's a wrap

It’s amazing how quickly the scene changes in this crazy Vendee Globe journey.

Just four days ago I was dizzy and jubilant from finishing the Transat Jacques Vabres race, 24 hours before that focused, hot and tense dealing with a nail biting final drag race to the line. And now I’m frustrated,

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