Crossing the finish line of the Route du Rhum
Pip crossed the finish line of the Route du Rhum in 12th place, making her the first British skipper to finish the race.
A drag race to the finish
I can't tell you how proud and excited I am to be currently lying 11th in the fleet.
Medallia lights up for Pip’s best sail of the race
I have just had the best night’s sailing ever - it has been absolutely brilliant!
One Week at Sea…
Today will be the end of one week at sea, one week into the Route du Rhum and I still appear to be sailing upwind. That is definitely not what it said in the brochure.
Post frontal fatigue
As any endurance athlete will tell you, when you are tired and at the bottom of your energy levels your mind is your most powerful weapon and talking yourself through each step of the way will get your through the tough times.